Oregon’s Political Tax Credit
Use It or Lose It.
Oregon is one of the only states in the nation that offers a no-cost way to get involved in the political cause of YOUR choice. The Political Tax Credit allows you to direct a portion of your tax dollars to a political action committee like mine. It is a credit, not a deduction. Most couples can give up to $100* for joint filers or $50* for individuals and have that amount credited back to you on tax day. Contributions must be dated no later than December 31st, 2019, to receive the credit on your 2019 Oregon tax return.
Your support goes a long way in a campaign like this! Even the smallest gift of $50 or $100 can make a big difference. Your donation will help us reach voters, get out our message, and bring energy and passion to the issues that matter most to the people of Marion County.
You may mail a check written to “Friends of Danielle Bethell” to the address below or donate online here!
PO Box 20334
Keizer, OR 97307
*Please note, due to a recent change in Oregon law, individuals with adjusted gross income over $100,000 or joint filers with combined income exceeding $200,000 no longer qualify for the Political Tax Credit.